Saturday, July 16, 2005

Today I asked my students what their favorite toy was in my class of 8-10 year olds, and one boy answered "ipod." WWMS? (what would Mao say?)
In the same class, were were learning ages, and I made them guess how old I was. The first guess was 17, and the next guess was 34. I guess If you average the two out you might be somewhat close. One kid guessed I was 11. I think his English might of been off, because all the other kids laughed and he looked embarrassed.

This past week, I started one of my summer courses. Next week, the other two will start. So for the next 5 weeks, I will teach M-F from 1:15-8:30 with a half-hour break for dinner. On Saturday I teach 8:30-5:00 with a 2 1/2 lunch hour break, and on Sunday I teach an evening class. It adds up to 40 hours a week, which is a lot of teaching, but the worst is never having a full day off. It's just for 5 weeks, and then my class load decreases, and after 6 weeks, I go back to just teaching on weekends. The one nice thing is that because in our contract we only have to work 80 hours a month, we get paid lots of overtime for working so much.


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